
Electric dielectric are those materials that have no any free electrons so that there is no current can flow through them as the results a electrical conductivity of a dielectric is poor and for an ideal dielectric it is zero

Dielectric constant (k or €)
When a dielectric material material placed​ between the two plates of capacitor,the capacitance of a capacitor increases
                  The ratio of the capacitance of a capacitor emerged into the dielectric to that of same capacitor in vaccume is called the dielectric constant or relative permeability.it is represented by K or €r
      €r=C/Co  or      €r=€/€o
The ratio ratio ​of the permeability of a of a dielectric in a medium to the vaccume is called the relative permeability

use of dielectrics-
1. A material with high dielectric constant is widely used in semiconducting manipulating process 
2. High dielectrics are frequently used in micro chip IC ,Transister,  and microprocessor, computer,etc.
3. it is dielectric heating is widely used in dehydration of food and wooden sheets.
4. cooking in microwave oven which one of the example of dielectric heating 5. he liquid dielectric have unique property of combining insulating property with cooling ability

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