classification of solids

Types of solid:-
1.      Crystalline Solid :- Eg:- Metals And Non metals
2.      Amorphous Solid :- Eg:- Rubber ,Glass ,Plastic
Crystalline Solid: - 
Contain regular arrangement having short range & as well as long range order.
Definite geometric shape, Sharpe melting point, they have definite heat fusion, they undergo clean cleavage, and they are true solid.
Amorphous Solid:--     
Containing irregular arrangement having short range order only, irregular shape, melting over range of temp, they do not have definite heat of fusion they undergo an irregular cut they are pseudo solid or super cooled solid.
Classification of crystalline solid:-
   1. Ionic Solid 
2. Molecular Solid
3. Covalent of network Solid
4. Metallic Solid
1. Ionic solid: - 
                     In these crystalline solids, constituent particle are positive or negative ion held together by columbic or electrostatic forces of attraction.
Eg:-NaCl, Mgo
2.      Molecular solids:- 
                                     These are of three types
1.      Non polar molecular solid: - in these the constituent particles are atoms of noble gas or non polar molecules are held by London dispersion forces.
Eg: - Ar, H2.

2.      Polar molecular solids: - In these solids constituent particles are held together by dipole-dipole attraction forces.
 Eg: - Hcl, SO2.

3.      Hydrogen bonded molecular solids: - in these types of molecular solids constituent particles are molecule containing hydrogen linked to F, O and N held by hydrogen bonding.
Eg: - H2O (ice), NH3.
3. Covalent or Network Solids: - 
 Constituent particles are atoms held together by covalent bonds
Eg: - C (diamond), Sio2 (quartz)
4. Metallic solids: - 
Constituent particles are positive ions in a sea of mobile electrons held together by metallic bonds.
ex.- Fe,Cu,U etc

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