magnetic properties of solids

Magnetic properties of solids: -

1.      Diamagnetic Substances: - 
                                                  Substances which are weakly repelled by the external magnetic field are called diamagnetic substances.
Ex: TiO2, H2O, NaCl
2.      Paramagnetic Substances: - 
                                                   Substances which are attracted by the external magnetic field are called paramagnetic substances.
Ex: O2, Cu2+, Fe3+
3.      Ferromagnetic Substances: - 
                                                     Substances which show permanent magnetism even in the absence of magnetic field are called ferromagnetic substances.
Ex: Fe, Ni
This curve I a following by the ferromagneticmaterial.this curve is knon as hesterisis curve
4.      Anti- Ferromagnetic Substances: - 
                                                               Substances which are expected to posses’ paramagnetism and ferromagnetism on the basis of magnetic moments of the domains but actually they posses Zero magnetic moment are called anti- ferromagnetic substances.
Ex: MnO
5.      Ferromagnetic Substances: - 
                                                      Substances which are expected to posses large magnetism on the basis of magnetic moments of the domains but actually have small net magnetic moment are called ferromagnetic substances.
Ex: Fe3O4

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