
Ecosystem term is first proposed by A.G. Tansley in 1935.
According to Tansley "Ecosystem is the ecological unit consisting of biotics and abiotic components of the environment in a specific area"

  • Grassland ecosystem
  • Forest ecosystem
  • Desert Ecosystem

Components of ecosystem

There are two components of the ecosystem-
  • Biotic components-All living things available in Ecosystem is biotic components.
  • Abiotic components- other than biotic components are known as Abiotic components.

Image result for components of ecosystem

classification of Ecosystem-

Function of Ecosystem

  • There are a various function of the ecosystem
  • Transfer of the energy from lower trophic level to higher tropic level
  • Regulation of energy Water,Air, and our environment
  • primary &  Secondary productivity
  • Conservation of biodiversity
  • Regulation of Food chain 
  • Pollution control
  • Material recycling
  • Development and  regulation of natural resources & Environmental activities

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